Consult a family doctor or specialist online!

Simple, fast and totally secure!

  • 7 days a week
  • In your language
  • Prescription, if necessary
  • Traceability and medical monitoring
  • Assistance with reimbursement from your insurance company
  • Secure payment
  • Invoice issued promptly

Online consultation are now available to all.

Your doctor online means to have a virtual consultation by any patient with a concerned doctor using a video call software or application. It is the most preferred method these days as it is convenient, time-saving, and has the potential to provide the patients with the freedom to discover more doctors or specialists at their fingertips.

Benefit from immediate health and dental care from our doctors and specialists, as well as:

  • Prompt medical attention
  • Comfort and convenience
  • Cost-effective and time-saving
  • Safety of your own home

Create your secure patient account

In just a few minutes. Your data is saved on a secure server to protect medical confidentiality.

Consult a doctor by video conference, phone or chat

Make an appointment for the same day or later with the doctor of your choice and log in for your consultation.

Get an electronic prescription, if necessary

Your doctor or dentist can send you an electronic prescription so that you can use it in the pharmacy of your choice.

Online medical consultation: frequently asked questions

Online medical consultation is a consultation carried out remotely by a general practitioner, specialist, or a dentist. It allows you to get advice, a diagnosis and sometimes even a prescription without having to leave your home.Among the advantages of teleconsultation, we note the possibility:
  • To get a medical diagnosis and prescription within minutes.
  • To carry out a consultation by video, phone or chat.
  • To be able to see a doctor 7 days a week, even outside of our clinic's opening hours.
  • To receive an electronic prescription, valid in pharmacies.
You can easily pay for your consultation by credit card, thanks to our secure payment platform.
A prescription for drugs or medical devices made in another member state of the European Union or the European Economic Area (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) must be recognized in Europe. Prescribed drugs or medical devices may be delivered to you on condition that they are authorized for sale and available in your country.