Psychotherapy and Gestalt Therapist
An English-speaking Humanistic Gestalt therapist in Barcelona that helps you find the best possible tools to improve your overall wellbeing and mental health, in a warm, comfortable and confidential environment.
At Turó Park Medical Center, David Chevalier works in our mental health team to support our patients with a holistic, personal and confidential approach as they face their own unique challenges in life.
As a Humanistic Gestalt therapist with 10 years of experience in the field, David Chevalier offers innovative and well-researched therapeutic processes, such as psychological work, meditation and different techniques, with the aim of improving the overall wellbeing and mental health of individuals. He offers:
- Humanistic Gestalt Psychotherapy
- Psychological types: MTBI and Eneagramme
- Bioenergetics
- Neurolinguistic Programming
- Coaching
- Meditation
- Arterapy
- Body awareness
At the beginning of his career, he studied Gestalt Artherapy at the E.A.M. Mediterránea Barcelona school, followed by training in character typologies in the SAT programme and in bioenergetics. He has a degree in neuro-linguistic programming at the Integratiu Institute in Barcelona. Moreover, he has completed training in the following courses:
- Integral Body Therapy (IBT)
- Trained in TCI Bodywork and artistic work
- Study of different religious and spiritual traditions, approved by Loyola University
- Trained in meditation work and personality structures MTBI and other systems.
- Meditation: modules of transpersonal therapy in the line of non-dual meditation (Adviata Vedanta). Gestalt School of Catalonia Espailudic.
- Bodywork: biodansa facilitator in Biodanza Escuela Oficial S.R.T de Barcelona
The range of training and courses that he has completed give him a rich and diverse understanding of mental health and how best to improve one’s overall well being in a holistic and long-term way. Always learning and expanding his skills within his field, David is currently training in two courses: Coaching and Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy.
Since his studies, David has recent experience as an independent Gestalt therapist, leader of group bodywork in a regular weekly biodansa group, and workshops in companies on emotion and stress management.
David speaks English, Spanish and French.
David Chevalier warmly welcomes you to Turó Park Clinics, to get support when facing challenges in your personal, relational and professional life. Available online if you find convenience and comfort in a video consultation.
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