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Dr. Laura González, English-speaking dentist in Barcelona

Dr. Laura Gonzalez

General dentistry
Paediatric dentistry
Restorative Dentistry
Book your appointment now

Discover more about me

Dr. Laura Gonzalez is a determined and empathetic dentist, whose goal is to always offer the best treatment to each patient, taking advantage of her extensive knowledge of dentistry and using the latest technologies and innovations. She always works with professionalism to ensure that her patients are completely satisfied.

Dr. Laura Gonzalez speaks English, Spanish and German.


Dr. Laura Gonzalez has a degree in Dentistry from the International University of Catalonia, Spain. She is currently still at the International University of Catalonia pursuing a postgraduate degree in Pediatric Dentistry.

Along with her impressive academic background, Laura has significant work experience: she has worked as a dental assistant in Madrid and Barcelona where she has not only participated in orthodontic treatments, but also: oral and maxillofacial surgery, implantology and conventional and implant prosthetics and periodontics.

Dr. Laura González García is looking forward to welcoming you to Turó Park Dental Clinic to take care of your smile.

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Universities and medical societies

Schedule an appointment with Dr. Laura González