Prevent illness, feel good physically and mentally: by having a health check-up at Turó Park Clinics, you can be sure that the necessary examinations will be carried out according to your age, your lifestyle, your history...
- A personalized assessment, based on an initial contact and a form filled out by you
- A set of examinations performed by specialized and competent doctors
- A complete report on your state of health
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Health check-up for women
The hectic lives that many women lead today do not allow them to take care of themselves and their health. That's why Turó Park Medical and Dental Center offers an annual checkup specifically for women. Our focus is on your well-being and disease prevention. We will give you a complete overview of your health status and provide you with a personalized plan to stay healthy based on your health and wellness goals.
The health check-up lasts approximately 3 hours.
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To make an appointment or speak to one of our team members, please use the options below.

The medical examinations and assessment scheduled as part of this visit are as follows:
- Review of a comprehensive health screening questionnaire, including individual, gynecological, family and lifestyle health parameters.
- Measurement of height, weight and body mass index (BMI).
- Complete physical examination by an expert physician.
- Measurement of blood pressure.
- Complete blood and urine tests. Blood sugar control (diagnosis of diabetes and pre-diabetes), cholesterol, liver, kidney and thyroid function are checked.
- Resting ECG (a painless test that looks at heart rate and rhythm, heart enlargement in the case of high blood pressure, and can indicate if you have had a heart attack)
- Ear and vision assessment (audiometry and optometry tests).
- Breast examination and instructions for self-examination.
- Cervical smear.
- HPV typing (cervical cancer screening).
- Calculation of cardiovascular risk.
- Nutritional check-up by videoconsultation.
Delivery and review of the complete medical report.
Price: 715€
*Please note that any additional tests not included in the above description will be charged separately. If you are interested in adding additional diagnostic tests, we recommend that you discuss this with the general practitioner during the check-up visit so that he/she can advise you. Specific screening tests, colonoscopies and endoscopies cannot be performed without a doctor's prescription.
The medical examinations and assessment scheduled as part of this visit are as follows:
- Review of a comprehensive health screening questionnaire, including individual, gynecological, family and lifestyle health parameters.
- Measurement of height, weight and body mass index (BMI).
- Complete physical examination by an expert physician.
- Measurement of blood pressure.
- Complete blood and urine analysis. Blood glucose (diabetes and pre-diabetes diagnosis), cholesterol, vitamin D levels, parathyroid hormone (PTH) as well as liver, kidney and thyroid function are checked.
- Resting ECG (a painless test that looks at your heart rate and rhythm, whether your heart is enlarged if you have high blood pressure, and whether you have had a heart attack)
- Ear and vision assessment (audiometry and optometry tests).
- Breast examination and instructions for self-examination.
- Pap smear.
- HPV typing (cervical cancer screening).
- Calculation of cardiovascular risk.
- Nutritional check-up by videoconsultation.
Age and risk factor specific tests:
- Mammography or breast ultrasound, depending on the gynecologist's recommendation.
- Hormonal profile.
- Colon cancer screening.
Delivery and review of the complete medical report.
Price : 915 €
*Please note that any additional tests not included in the above description will be charged separately. If you are interested in adding additional diagnostic tests, we recommend that you discuss this with the general practitioner during the check-up visit so that he/she can advise you. Specific screening tests, colonoscopies and endoscopies cannot be performed without a doctor's prescription.
Medical tests and evaluation in this visit package will include:
- Review of a comprehensive health screening questionnaire, including individual, gynecological, family and lifestyle health parameters.
- Measurement of height, weight, and Body Mass Index (BMI).
- Full physical examination completed by an expert medical doctor.
- Blood Pressure measurement.
- Complete blood and urine analysis. Glucose levels (diagnosis of diabetes and pre-diabetes), cholesterol, parathyroid hormone (PTH) and vitamin D levels as well as liver, kidney and thyroid function are checked.
- Resting ECG (a painless test which studies the rate and rhythm of your heart, any enlargement of your heart if you have high blood pressure, and may show whether or not you have had a prior heart attack).
- Ear and eyesight evaluation (audiometry and optometry tests).
- Visit with gynecologist (includes breast exam and instructions for self-examination and cervical pap smear).
- HPV typing (screening for cervical cancer).
- Visit with cardiologist for prevention (Echocardiogram + stress test included).
- Visit with dermatologist for annual mapping.
- Calculation of cardiovascular risk.
- Nutritional check-up by videoconsultation.
Age and Risk Factor-Specific Tests:
- Mammography or breast ultrasound, depending on the gynecologist's recommendation.
- Complete hormonal profile.
- Colon cancer screening.
- Dermatoscopy.
- Carotid ultrasound.
- Holter blood pressure 24h, if necessary.
Delivery and review of the medical full health report.
Price: 1365 €
*Please note that any additional tests not included in the above description will be charged separately. If you are interested in adding additional diagnostic tests, we recommend that you discuss this with the general practitioner during the check-up visit so that he/she can advise you. Specific screening tests, colonoscopies and endoscopies cannot be performed without a doctor's prescription.
Medical tests and evaluation in this visit package will include:
- Review of a comprehensive health screening questionnaire, including individual, gynecological, family and lifestyle health parameters.
- Measurement of height, weight, and Body Mass Index (BMI).
- Full physical examination completed by an expert medical doctor.
- Blood Pressure measurement.
- Complete blood and urine analysis. Glucose levels (diagnosis of diabetes and pre-diabetes), cholesterol, calcium, uric acid, parathyroid hormone (PTH) and vitamin D levels as well as liver, kidney and thyroid function are checked.
- Resting ECG (a painless test which studies the rate and rhythm of your heart, any enlargement of your heart if you have high blood pressure, and may show whether or not you have had a prior heart attack).
- Ear and eyesight evaluation (audiometry and optometry tests).
- Breast examination and self-examination instructions.
- Cervical Pap Smear.
- HPV typing (screening for cervical cancer).
- Nutritional videoconsultation with tips for menopause relief.
- Cardiological evaluation for prevention.
- Cardiovascular risk calculation.
- Hair density evaluation.
Age and Risk Factor-Specific Tests:
- Mammogram + Breast Ultrasound.
- Bone density scan.
- Complete female hormone profile.
- Colon cancer screening.
Delivery and review of the medical full health report.
Price: 1165 €
*Please note that any additional tests not included in the above description will be charged separately. If you are interested in adding additional diagnostic tests, we recommend that you discuss this with the general practitioner during the check-up visit so that he/she can advise you. Specific screening tests, colonoscopies and endoscopies cannot be performed without a doctor's prescription.
Medical tests and evaluation in this visit package will include:
- Review of a comprehensive health screening questionnaire, including individual, family and lifestyle health parameters.
- Cardiovascular risk calculation.
- Measurement of height, weight, and Body Mass Index (BMI).
- Full physical examination completed by an expert medical doctor.
- Complete blood and urine tests. Glucose levels (diagnosis of diabetes and pre-diabetes), cholesterol, liver, kidney and thyroid function are checked.
- Blood Pressure measurement.
- Visit with physiotherapist for functional evaluation and treatment plan, if needed.
- Visit with a cardiologist where an electrocardiogram, an echocardiogram and a stress test will be performed for evaluation.
- Nutritional videoconsultation with dietary assessment and meal plan.
- Podiatry (Walking study: allows to check if there is any structural abnormality in ankles, knees, spine or any other part of the body).
Delivery and review of the medical full health report.
*Please let us know what type of sport you practice so that we can advise you about additional testing.
Price: 865 €
*Please note that any additional tests not included in the above description will be charged separately. If you are interested in adding additional diagnostic tests, we recommend that you discuss this with the general practitioner during the check-up visit so that he/she can advise you. Specific screening tests, colonoscopies and endoscopies cannot be performed without a doctor's prescription.