Endocrinology pertains to endocrine disorders, a group of health anomalies that affect a huge part of the world's population. If you’ve been feeling like your body’s is acting like it has a mind of its own, sending your emotions on a rollercoaster ride, with energy levels plummeting, mood taking wild swings, and unexpected changes happening, chances are you might be suffering from an endocrine disease. But the good news is that they can be cured or managed efficiently at Turó Park Clinics.
We have seen many amazing individuals like you walk through our door, seeking answers and relief. And just like we helped them, we can also guide you every step of the way.
Our expert endocrinologists will patiently listen to your concerns, understand your unique experiences, and create a personalized treatment plan that will fit your life like a glove. So, whether you are suffering from thyroid issues, diabetes, reproductive hormone concerns, or other endocrine-related challenges, we have got your back.
If you are ready to take the first step, schedule a consultation today with the best endocrinologist in Barcelona!
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What Is Endocrinology?
While the word “endocrinology” sounds like a tongue-twister, it is simply the study of endocrine glands and their hormones. Hormones are tiny messengers in your body that travel from one cell to another and play a massive role in controlling everything from your mood to sleep patterns, metabolism, growth, emotions, and more.
The endocrine system comprises numerous glands that secrete hormones into the bloodstream. Endocrine glands include:
- Hypothalamus
- Pineal Gland (Body)
- Pituitary Gland
- Thyroid Gland
- Parathyroid Gland
- Adrenal Gland
- Pancreas
- Ovaries (Female)
- Testicles (Male)
Once released into the bloodstream, the endocrine hormones travel to their site of action, called targets. The target can be other glands, organs, or tissues, but not the same endocrine gland. When a hormone reaches its target, it tells that part of the body what action it should perform, when, and for how long. For this reason, hormones are often called messengers, as they help different parts of the body communicate with each other.
There are more than 50 different hormones circulating in your blood at any time. They might exist in tiny amounts but still have the ability to alter your bodily functions and development significantly.
Here’s a list of functions that endocrine glands in the human body regulate through hormones:
- Blood sugar levels
- Growth and development
- Metabolism
- Breathing
- Heart rate and blood pressure
- Sexual development and fertility
- Reproduction
- Mood
Sometimes, hormonal function can get a bit off-track. Too much or too little of any specific hormone can have a domino effect, impacting the secretion of other hormones and the maintenance of optimal bodily functions.
For instance, if the pancreas doesn’t produce enough insulin, sugar piles up in your blood, leading to diabetes. Similarly, when the thyroid gland becomes overactive and releases too much thyroid hormone, it can lead to symptoms like rapid heartbeat and weight loss.
Sometimes, the hormonal imbalances are corrected by your body on its own. Other times, when the body’s in-built mechanisms to restore hormone levels fail, you should consult an endocrinologist who can treat your condition.
What Are The Most Common Endocrine Diseases?
Endocrine disorders are commonly grouped into two categories:
- Conditions caused by endocrine glands producing either too much or too little of a hormone (hormonal imbalance).
- Conditions that happen due to the development of lesions in the endocrine system.
Other causes of endocrine conditions can be:
- Malfunctioning of the endocrine feedback system
- Poor lifestyle habits
- Failure to stimulate the glands to secrete hormones
- Genetic disorders like congenital hypothyroidism or multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN)
- Injuries to endocrine glands
- Tumor of the endocrine gland
- Infection of the endocrine gland
- Pregnancy
- Electrolyte imbalance
While a wide array of diseases are caused by the improper functioning of endocrine glands in the human body, here are some of the most common endocrine disorders :
Diabetes is perhaps the most common endocrine disorder in the world. It occurs either when the pancreas secretes less insulin or when cells in your body become less sensitive to insulin. This results in high blood sugar levels, which, if not controlled, affect several organs over time.
Apart from genetic factors, endocrine issues, such as insulinoma, and sleep disorders, can contribute to obesity and difficulty losing weight. An endocrinologist can efficiently identify the underlying causes and develop personalized treatment plans, which can range from making lifestyle changes to medications or bariatric surgery in most severe cases.
Increased levels of the hormone prolactin cause galactorrhea, a condition characterized by milk-like secretion from the nipple, unrelated to pregnancy or lactation. In addition, it might lead to an altered menstrual cycle and even cause headaches. Galactorrhea can occur in both men and women and may be associated with pituitary adenoma, certain medications, or other hormonal imbalances.
PCOS affects women of reproductive age. It is when ovulation is disturbed and is characterized by a combination of symptoms, including irregular menstrual periods, excess androgen levels (male hormones), and polycystic ovaries (enlarged ovaries with small cysts).
The thyroid glands become overactive and produce excessive thyroid hormones (T3 and/or T4), which results in weight loss, rapid heart rate, tremors, and anxiety.
An underactive thyroid gland doesn't produce enough thyroid hormones. This leads to complaints such as weight gain, depression, cold intolerance, constipation, fatigue, dry skin, etc.
Also referred to as Addison’s disease, adrenal sufficiency occurs when the adrenal glands don’t produce enough hormones–primarily cortisol and a little aldosterone. Symptoms include gradual weight loss, extreme fatigue, skin discoloration, low blood pressure, weakness, and abdominal pain.
The pituitary gland fails to adequately produce one or more hormones. Depending on the hormones, the symptoms can vary from low libido to excessive thirst, delayed growth, irritability, and more
It is a condition when a child’s body begins to develop sexual characteristics earlier than usual. This is due to the malfunctioning of the hormonal system that controls reproduction. In girls, abnormal puberty starts at around 8 and in boys at 9.
MEN refers to a group of rare genetic disorders that cause tumors to form in multiple endocrine glands.
These are just a few of the many endocrine conditions. It is vital to remember that each hormone disorder can have varying degrees of severity. Proper medical diagnosis and treatment are necessary to manage these conditions effectively. So, if you suspect you may have an endocrine disease, it is essential you consult an endocrinologist near you at the earliest for proper evaluation and diagnosis.
Your health is our priority!
Our endocrinology department welcomes you for the diagnosis and treatment of all your endocrine disorders.

Consulting An Endocrinology Doctor
You should consult an endocrinologist if you experience unexplained symptoms or have been referred by your primary care physician for further evaluation. Endocrinologists are doctors who specialize in treating endocrine diseases. Sometimes, endocrinologists further specialize in specific areas where hormones play a vital role. For instance,
- Pediatric Endocrinology – For hormone disorders in children.
- Thyroid Endocrinology – Concerns the thyroid gland and how its hormones affect metabolism.
- Reproductive Endocrinology – Look at hormones regulating sexual development, sexual function, and reproduction.
During your first visit, the endocrinologist will perform a comprehensive assessment to reach a diagnosis. This includes asking about your current medications, family history, hormonal problems, other medical conditions, allergies, dietary and lifestyle habits, and symptoms. In addition, the endocrinologist might check your blood pressure, heart rate, skin, teeth, hair, and nails.
After reaching a diagnosis, the endocrinologist will suggest an optimal treatment plan, ranging from medications to hormone replacement therapy (HRT), lifestyle modifications, or surgery.
If you are searching for an experienced endocrinologist in Barcelona, consider booking a consultation with our expert, Dr. Carla Font.
Our multilingual endocrinology doctors