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Dental treatment prices
Apex formation treatment | 45€ |
Pulpectomy | 85€ |
Root canal dressing | 130€ |
Root canal treatment - single root | 345€ |
Root canal treatment - double root | 380€ |
Root canal treatment - multiple canals and roots | 380€ |
Root canal retreatment - single root | 420€ |
Root canal retreatment - double root | 485€ |
Root canal retreatment - multiple canals and roots | 485€ |
Calcium hydroxide dressing | 65€ |
MTA root canal dressing | 100€ |
Post removal | 60€ |
Estética Dental
Whitening & Smile Rejuvenation
Opalescence bleaching syringe 16%. | 90€ |
Whitening at home | 505€ |
In-office bleaching | 585€ |
Combined whitening (2 sessions in clinic and 1 at home) | 685€ |
Internal/tooth whitening (includes 2 sessions) | 95€ |
Splints whitening only (without product) | 175€ |
Hyaluronic acid - smile lines, volume and lip contouring | 420€ |
Fundas y carillas (Protesis fijo)
Crown / temporary veneer | 75€ |
Ceramic veneer classic (single unit) | 785€ |
Ceramic veneer classic (2-6) | 795€ |
Ceramic veneer classic (+6) | 725€ |
Premium veneer (single unit) | 955€ |
Premium Veneer (2-6) | 795€ |
Premium Veneer (+6) | 775€ |
Composite veneer | 450€ |
Metal-on-implant crown | 630€ |
Ceramic crown on implant | 865€ |
Full ceramic crown | 650€ |
Full ceramic crown on anterior tooth | 945€ |
Inlay - composite inlay | 440€ |
Inlay - ceramic inlay | 570€ |
Diagnostic waxing/arch | 150€ |
Wax-up diagnostic smile design / esthetic mock-up | 235€ |
Aesthetic treatment
Hyaluronic acid - smile lines, volume and lip contouring | 420€ |
General Dentist
First visit | 75€ |
Follow-up visit | 75€ |
Dental emergency visit | 130€ |
Dental visits on holidays | 130€ |
Dental teleconsultation | 65€ |
First dental visit with OPG | 120€ |
Annual check-up / dental check-up | 75€ |
Annual check-up and hygiene | 140€ |
Cleaning | 85€ |
Emergency Acts
Dental emergency visit | 130€ |
Re-cementing | 95€ |
Curettage - unit | 65€ |
Endodontic treatment | 125€ |
Periapical radiography | 25€ |
Bitewing X-ray - simple | 25€ |
Bitewing - left and right | 35€ |
OPG | 75€ |
Serial periapical | 95€ |
Filling - one surface | 95€ |
Filling - two surface | 130€ |
Filling - three surface | 160€ |
Aesthetic composite restoration | 190€ |
Direct composite inlay | 195€ |
Cervical reconstruction | 100€ |
Post and core (direct) | 165€ |
Fractured tooth reconstruction | 280€ |
Mouth guard for sports | 250€ |
Sleep apnea appliance | 1.370€ |
TMU night guard | 485€ |
Annual maintenance night guard ATM | 65€ |
Removable prosthesis
Metal frame - single arch with locator | 1.535€ |
Removable deflex denture | 800€ |
Removable metal denture | 680€ |
Inmediate partial denture | 735€ |
Full denture | 1.160€ |
Soft relinging full denture | 380€ |
Implant (without placement) - single unit | 310€ |
Dental implant placement | 850€ |
Implant healing cap | 90€ |
Bioguide membrane | 220€ |
Bioos bone graft | 270€ |
Sinus Lift (excludes implant and regeneration materials) | 1.075€ |
Second stage implants per tooth | 85€ |
Piezoelectric osteotomy (two arches) | 730€ |
Oral / maxillofacial surgery
First visit maxillofacial surgeon | 145€ |
Follow-up visit maxillofacial surgeon | 95€ |
Emergency visit maxillofacial surgeon | 150€ |
Oral cavity biopsy | 95€ |
Extraction of wisdom teeth - simple | 195€ |
Extraction of erupted permanent tooth | 120€ |
Surgical extraction of impacted / wisdom tooth | 275€ |
Guided bone regeneration Emdogain & Synthetic bone | 1.090€ |
Cystectomy | 85€ |
Sedation with anesthesiologist | 750€/hour |
Neuromodulator injections for Bruxism | 445€ |
Orthodontics children (deciduous / mixed dentition)
First visit orthodontics children | Free |
Orthodontic study (includes 2 extra-oral X-rays) | 145€ |
Fixed space maintainer (per arch) | 625€ |
Removable / fixed orthodontic appliance for mixed dentition | 620€ - 1.350€ |
Orthodontic control of children with mixed dentition | 65€ |
Emergency appointment | 130€ |
Adolescent & adult orthodontics (permanent dentition)
First orthodontic visit - adolescents & adults | Gratuita |
Orthodontic study - includes 2 diagnostic x-rays | 140€ |
Digital study of surgical orthodontics | 315€ |
Fixed orthodontic control - Damon Insignia | 130€ |
Lingual orthodontic control | 190€ |
Fixed orthodontic appliance - metal brackets | 3.500€ - 4.500€ |
Fixed orthodontic appliance - aesthetic brackets | 3.700€ - 4.700€ |
Invisalign braces | 1.700€ - 5.500€ |
Lingual orthodontic appliance | 1.710€ - 6.800€ |
Orthopantomography / Panoramic | 75€ |
Teleradiography | 95€ |
Fixed/arched retention - 5 year warranty | 270€ |
Removable retainer / arch - 5 years warranty | 270€ |
Invisalign removable retainer - one arch | 360€ |
Invisalign removable retention - two-arched | 580€ |
PAOO - Periodontally accelerated osteogenic orthodontics | 730€ |
Expansion monitoring - functional apparatus | 65€ |
Hygiene prior to appliance placement | 0€ |
Start treatment - taking measurements - stationary device | 0€ |
Start treatment - fixed appliance placement | 0€ |
Annual orthodontic check-up | 0€ |
Emergency visit | 130€ |
Pediatric Dentistry
Pit and fissure sealing | 50€ |
Pediatric dentistry obturation | 80€ |
Reconstruction of pediatric dentistry incisal edge | 95€ |
Pediatric dentistry steel crown | 90€ |
Pulpectomy & reconstruction | 250€ |
Temporary tooth extraction | 60€ |
Periodontics (Gum Treatments)
First visit | 85€ |
Periodontogram | 45€ |
Curettage - unit | 65€ |
Curettage - per quadrant | 145€ |
Gingivectomy / tooth | 105€ |
Visit maintenance perio | 135€ |
Implant maintenance | 70€ |
Periodontal splinting | 270€ |
Essix Retention | 270€ |

Prices of medical treatments
Consultation | 145€ |
Follow-up | 99€ |
Videoconsultation | 95€ |
Anesthesiology and pain management
Consultation | 145€ |
Follow-up | 99€ |
Videoconsultation | 95€ |
Consultation (without test) | 145€ |
Consultation (weekend) | 165€ |
Follow-up | 99€ |
Follow-up (weekend) | 125€ |
Consultation + Electrocardiogram (ECG) | 220€ |
Consultation + Electrocardiogram (ECG) + Echocardiogram | 380€ |
Consultation + Electrocardiogram (ECG) + Echocardiogram + stress test | 540€ |
Videoconsultation | 95€ |
Electrocardiogram report review | 150€ |
Prescription renewal | 60€ |
Acts in consultations
Echocardiogram | 160€ |
Electrocardiogram | 75€ |
Stress test | 160€ |
Holter Electrocardiogram (ECG) | 160€ |
Holter Blood pressure MAPA | 160€ |
Consultation (analyses not included) | 149€ |
Videoconsultation | 95€ |
Annual review (Mapping) | 170€ |
Follow-up | 99€ |
Consultation (weekend) | 165€ |
Follow-up (weekend) | 125€ |
Prescription renewal | 60€ |
Acts in consultations
Cryotherapy | 95€ |
Excision (Biopsy Act) | 140€ |
Intralesional corticosteroid infiltration (simple) | 95€ |
Curettage extraction Molluscum | 95€ |
Excision of benign lesion without histology | 95€ |
Infiltration and drainage of abscesses | 95€ |
Consultation | 145€ |
Follow-up | 99€ |
Consultation (weekend) | 165€ |
Follow-up (weekend) | 125€ |
Videoconsultation 15Min. | 95€ |
Videoconsultation 30Min. | 145€ |
Consultation | 145€ |
Follow-up | 99€ |
Videoconsultation | 95€ |
General Medicine
Consultation | 95€ |
Consultation (weekends/holidays) | 125€ |
Urgent appointments (out of schedule) | 125€ |
Vaccination consultation (vaccine not included) | 134€ |
Follow-up | 85€ |
Consultation of students (upon presentation of ID) | 75€ |
Videoconsultation | 65€ |
Consultation + medical test results review appointment (double appointment face-to-face / telephone / CV) | 165€ |
Home visit (day) | 250€ |
Home visit (weekend/holiday/evening) | 300€ |
Prescription renewal | 60€ |
Medical certificate | 120€ |
Medication administration (medication cost not included) | 39€ |
Acts in consultations
Sleep test | 150€ |
Cryotherapy | 95€ |
Electrocardiogram | 75€ |
Abdominal ultrasound | 75€ |
Streptotest | 15€ |
Combur 5 HC test | 15€ |
General & Digestive Surgery
Consultation | 145€ |
Follow-up | 99€ |
Videoconsultation | 95€ |
Consultation (weekend) | 165€ |
Follow-up (weekend) | 125€ |
Gestalt Therapy
Consultation | 105€ |
Videoconsultation | 95€ |
Follow-up | 105€ |
Gynecology / Obstetrics / Contraceptives
Gynecological consultations
Consultation (without test) | 145€ |
General review consultation | 195€ |
Vaccination consultation (vaccine not included) | 175€ |
Consultation + transvaginal/abdominal ultrasound (Analyses not included) | 185€ |
Annual check-up + transvaginal ultrasound + cytology/culture (tests are not included). | 190€ |
Follow-up | 99€ |
Consultation (weekend) | 165€ |
Follow-up (weekend) | 125€ |
Videoconsultation | 95€ |
Prescription renewal | 60€ |
Menopause Consultations
First menopause visit | 175€ |
Menopause follow-up | 99€ |
Obstetric consultations
First visit Pregnancy / Obstetrics (includes: Anamnesis, Pregnancy Book, ultrasound, weight and blood pressure). | 210€ |
Pregnancy monitoring + heartbeat ultrasound | 165€ |
Consultation + Ultrasound first or third trimester | 195€ |
Consultation + Ultrasound second trimester (20 weeks) | 245€ |
Contraceptive consultations
Gynecology Consultation + IUD Cooper Placement | 220€ |
Gynecology Consultation + Kyleena Hormonal IUD Insertion | 320€ |
Gynecology consultation + Mirena Hormonal IUD Insertion | 310€ |
Gynecology consultation + IUD insertion (IUD provided by patient) | 180€ |
IUD removal | 140€ |
IUD Follow-up | 120€ |
Gynecology Consultation + Implanon Placement | 300€ |
Gynecology Consultation + Implanon Extraction | 210€ |
Gynecology Consultation + Implanon Removal + Placement | 365€ |
Acts in consultations
Pregnancy test | 25€ |
Fetal monitor | 80€ |
Transvaginal or abdominal ultrasound | 75€ |
Colposcopy without biopsy | 100€ |
Colposcopy with biopsy | 210€ |
Polipectomy with biopsy | 210€ |
Drainage bartolinitis | 200€ |
Pulvoscopy without biopsy | 100€ |
Pulvoscopy with biopsy | 200€ |
Deep Endometriosis Ultrasound | 200€ |
Combur test 5 HC | 15€ |
IUD insertion (IUD provided by patient) | 45€ |
Infectious Diseases / Travel Medicine
Consultation | 145€ |
Videoconsultation | 95€ |
Follow-up | 99€ |
Vaccination consultation (vaccine not included) | 175€ |
Consultation (weekend) | 165€ |
Follow-up (weekend) | 125€ |
Review/monitoring of tests | 180€ |
Travel medicine consultation 1 pax | 145€ |
Travel medicine consultation 2 pax | 195€ |
Travel medicine consultation 3 pax | 255€ |
Travel medicine consultation 4 pax | 295€ |
Travel medicine consultation 5 pax | 355€ |
Integrative Nutrition Therapy
First Consultation | 150€ |
Follow-up | 85€ |
Videoconsultation First Consultation | 150€ |
Videoconsultation Follow-up | 85€ |
Acts in consultations
Nutritional DNA test | 265€ |
Nutritional Packs
Coaching Pack (5 sessions) | 390€ |
Nutritional Assessment & Personalized Plan (4 sessions) | 395€ |
Nutrition & Wellbeing Support (Peri/Menopause - 4 sessions) | 395€ |
Foundational Program | 495€ |
First Consultation | 95€ |
Follow-up | 90€ |
Consultation Bobath Method for children | 95€ |
Videoconsultation Follow-up | 85€ |
Consultation 30 minutes | 65€ |
Therapeutic massage | 95€ |
Relaxing massage | 90€ |
Lymphatic drainage | 100€ |
Circulatory massage | 100€ |
Kobido facial massage | 100€ |
Full body massage | 150€ |
Home visit | 130€ |
Session packs
Pack 10 Sessions (60 Min.) | 808€ |
Pack 10 Sessions (30 Min.) | 404€ |
Pack 5 Sessions (60 Min.) | 425€ |
Pack 5 Sessions (30 Min.) | 214€ |
Acts in consultations
Bandage | 5€ |
Electrotherapy | 10€ |
Basic report | 10€ |
Report + treatment plan | 20€ |
Muscle test, applied kinesiology | 18€ |
Consultation (without test) | 145€ |
Follow-up | 99€ |
Consultation (weekend) | 165€ |
Follow-up (weekend) | 125€ |
Videoconsultation | 95€ |
Prescription renewal | 60€ |
Consultation (without test) | 145€ |
Follow-up | 99€ |
Consultation (weekend) | 165€ |
Follow-up (weekend) | 125€ |
Videoconsultation | 95€ |
Prescription renewal | 60€ |
Acts in consultations
Carotid ultrasound | 75€ |
24h blood pressure Holter | 160€ |
Botox Migraine | 790€ |
First Consultation | 145€ |
Follow-up | 99€ |
Routine eye examination | 135€ |
Consultation (weekend) | 165€ |
Follow-up (weekend) | 125€ |
Videoconsultation | 95€ |
Prescription renewal | 60€ |
First Consultation | 110€ |
Follow-up | 99€ |
Otorhinolaryngology (ORL)
Consultations | 145€ |
Videoconsultations | 95€ |
Follow-up | 99€ |
Consultation (weekend) | 165€ |
Follow-up (weekend) | 125€ |
Vaccination Consultation (vaccine not included) | 175€ |
Prescription renewal | 60€ |
Acts in consultations
Acoustic control | 20€ |
Streptotest | 15€ |
Tympanometry | 20€ |
Rhinofibrolaryngoscopy | 65€ |
ENT Cure | 35€ |
Prick test | 95€ |
ENT Endoscopy | 30€ |
Advanced/Urgent ENT Procedure | 120€ |
First pediatric admission consultation | 120€ |
Check-up consultation | 120€ |
Consultation | 95€ |
Vaccination Consultation (vaccine not included) | 135€ |
Home consultation (day) | 250€ |
Videoconsultation | 75€ |
Pediatric cardiology consultations
Consultation | 95€ |
Consultation + fetal color doppler fetal echocardiography | 230€ |
Consutla + electrocardiogram (ECG) + Echocardiogram | 350€ |
Consultation + Stress test | 350€ |
Complete check-up: Consultation + Electrocardiogram + Echocardiogram + Stress test | 410€ |
Videoconsultation | 75€ |
Acts in consultations
Spirometry (for children) | 75€ |
Spirometry and bronchodilator test | 105€ |
Allergy testing | 95€ |
Stress test | 150€ |
Electrocardiogram (ECG) | 75€ |
Color Doppler echocardiography | 150€ |
Consultation (without test) | 145€ |
Treatment follow-up | 99€ |
Consultation (weekend) | 165€ |
Treatment follow-up (weekend) | 125€ |
Consultation + pulse oximetry + spirometry | 210€ |
Videoconsultation | 95€ |
Prescription renewal | 60€ |
Vaccination consultation (vaccine not included) | 175€ |
Acts in consultations
Spirometry | 75€ |
Pulmonary ultrasound | 80€ |
Consultations | 55€ |
Follow-up | 30€ |
Aesthetic Foot Treatment - Complete (podiatry visit with essential oil massage) | 135€ |
Gold foot treatment | 80€ |
Nail/canal surgery | 360€ |
Acts in consultations
Care / Control | 45€ |
Gait study | 145€ |
Plantar supports (gait study + supports) | 345€ |
Plantar supports | 200€ |
Plantar supports (second pair) | 145€ |
Wart care (per session) | 40€ |
Multiple wart care | 65€ |
Nail reconstruction (=1) | 40€ |
Reconstrucción de uñas (≥2) | 55€ |
Small Silicone | 55€ |
Large silicone | 70€ |
Anesthetic infiltration | 20€ |
First Consultation | 170€ |
Follow-up | 120€ |
Prescription renewal | 70€ |
Videoconsultation First Consultation | 170€ |
Videoconsultation Follow-up | 120€ |
Psychiatric Report | 95€ |
First Consultation | 95€ |
Follow-up | 95€ |
Videoconsultations | 95€ |
First Consultation (without test) | 145€ |
Follow-up | 99€ |
Consultation (weekend) | 165€ |
Follow-up (weekend) | 125€ |
Videoconsultation | 95€ |
Vaccination Consultation (vaccine not included) | 175€ |
Prescription renewal | 60€ |
Acts in consultations
Infiltration | 90€ |
Infiltration Rachis | 500€ |
Consultation | 145€ |
Follow-up | 99€ |
Consultation (weekend) | 165€ |
Follow-up (weekend) | 125€ |
Videoconsultations | 95€ |
Acts in consultations
Vasectomy | 800€ |
Ultrasound | 75€ |
Circumcision | 1.100€ |
Reduction of paraphimosis | 200€ |
Cura | 80€ |
*No refunds will be made in the case of packs or contracted services. Once the service has been provided or part of the pack has been used there will be no refunds or reimbursements available.

Prices of medical laboratory
Drug testing
Drug testing | 50€ |
Appointment with the nurse | 39€ |
Nursing care / Removal of stitches | 50€ |
Holter ECG | 160€ |
Allergy testing | 95€ |
Home visit (day) | 200€ |
STD Testing
3 STD Smear or urine | 49€ |
7 STD Smear or urine | 69€ |
7 ETS Smear + Urine (2 zones) | 129€ |
7 ETS Smear + Urine (3 zones) | 196€ |
4 STDs in blood | 69€ |
7 STD Smear or Urine + Blood | 96‹ |
11 STD Smear or Urine + Blood | 129€ |
Meningitis B [Bexsero] | 123,00 € |
Tipos de papiloma humano 6, 11, 16, 18 [Gardasil 9] | 198,43 € |
Rotavirus y gastro para pediatría [Rotarix Oral] | 107,71 € |
Gastroenteritis infantil para pediatría [RotateQ] | 95,00 € |
Fiebre tifoidea [Vivotif] | 23,17 € |
Difteria, tétanos y tos ferina [Boostrix] | 28,42 € |
Polio [Boostrix] | 41,39 € |
Difteria y tétanos [diftavax] | 20,00 € |
Hepatits B Adult [Engerix] | 23,00 € |
Hepatits B Niños [Engerix] | 19,28 € |
Influenza [Fluarix tetra] | 30,00 € |
Niños de gripe [Fluenz tetra intranasal] | 42,45 € |
Hepatitis A [Havrix 1440] | 52,06 € |
Hepatitis A Niños [Havrix 720] | 28,42 € |
Haemophilus influenzae B [Hiberix] | 19,86 € |
Meningococcus C Niños [Neisvac-C] | 53,40 € |
Meningitis A, C, W-135, Y Niños [Nimenrix] | 63,83 € |
Niños conjugados de polisacárido neumocócico [Prevenar] | 95,00 € |
Sarampión, paperas y niños de rubéola [priorix] | 22,83 € |
Difteria, tétanos y tos ferina [triaxis] | 39,72 € |
Hepatits A y B [Twinrix] | 80,78 € |
Hepatits A y B Children [Twinrix] | 52,00 € |
Fiebre tifoidea [typhim VI] | 27,87 € |
Varicella [Varivax] | 52,19 € |
DTAP-PI-HIB-HB Niños [Vaxelis] | 102,00 € |
Hepatits A [Vaqta 50] | 35,05 € |
Tejas [Shingrix] | 240,00 € |

Prices of aesthetic treatments
Find out the prices on our aesthetic website.
*The prices of aesthetic treatments are subject to VAT.
*No refunds will be made in the case of packs or contracted services. Once the service has been provided or part of the pack has been used there will be no refunds or reimbursements available.

Prices of health check-ups
Kids | 365€ |
Men - 40 years old | 565€ |
Men over 40 years old | 765€ |
Executive | 1.365€ |
Sport | 865€ |
Women - 40 years old | 715€ |
Women over 40 years old | 915€ |
Executive | 1.365€ |
Perimenopause | 1.165€ |
Sport | 865€ |
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