Is your Covid-19 PCR test positive?
To protect yourself and your close ones, you must respect isolation measures and monitor your state of health. We also advise you to book an appointment for a video consultation with our specialist in infectious diseases in order to ask all your questions about the virus, in particular if you suffer from another disease or if you are taking medication.
What is the protocol to follow in case you test positive for COVID?
Medical establishments, whether public or private, have the obligation to communicate cases of Covid-19 to the health authorities of the Spanish Autonomous Communities. If you have carried out a PCR test in a private laboratory in Barcelona, and your result is positive, the laboratory is therefore obliged to inform the Catalan Institute of Health (ICS).
You will be contacted directly by the investigator from the ICS COVID cell in order to establish a list of contact cases and to begin your period of isolation. This should last 10 days from the positive test in the absence of symptoms, and may be extended if you have fever or other symptoms.
Performing a PCR test at the end of the isolation period is not mandatory but recommended.

What is a contact case?
In Spain, a contact case is anyone who has been in contact with an infected person, at a distance of less than 2 meters, for more than 15 minutes in 24 hours.
For the establishment of the list of contact cases, the period to consider is 2 days before the onset of symptoms or the performance of the PCR test.
Contact cases will also have to isolate themselves for a period of 10 days and perform a Covid test. If the test result is positive, the same protocol will apply.
What are the recommendations to follow during the isolation period?
The Spanish Ministry of Health has issued certain recommendations regarding the people infected with Covid-19 during their period of isolation:
- Stay home and if you live with other uninfected people, stay in your room
- Ventilate the room or rooms where you are
- Use a separate bathroom or if this isn’t possible, disinfect it after using it
- Wash your hands frequently with soap and water and / or hydro alcoholic gel
- Have a different rubbish bin from the rest of the household
- Keep a phone with you in case you have to contact your doctor
If you notice your symptoms worsening, make an appointment quickly with our specialist or call 112.