Do you suffer from eating disorders and are you looking for support from a psychologist or psychiatrist in Barcelona?

Our psychiatric and mental health team are specialised in the treatment of eating disorders so that you can regain balance with support in Barcelona.

Eating disorders relates to a disturbance in the relationship with food, that significantly alters both physical health and psychosocial adaptation. They present in various forms and can appear at any age, particularly in adolescents and young adults. The diagnosis must be made by a psychiatrist in order to organise the therapeutic strategy and develop a personalised treatment plan that suits you.

Nowadays, more people are affected by an eating disorder than ever before, the vast majority of whom are teenage women or young adults.

If you suffer from eating disorders yourself or if someone close to you has symptoms of an eating disorder, don't wait to make an appointment with one of our specialists for personalised care. Screening and treatment should be carried out as early as possible to increase the chances of success.

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To book an appointment or speak with one of our friendly team, please get in touch using the options below.

Traitement des troubles bipolaires

What is bipolar disorder?

Bipolar disorder refers to a chronic psychological illness that causes mood disturbances. This mental health illness was formerly called "manic-depressive psychosis" and is characterised by alternating phases of excitement and depression, that are more extreme than the norm.

What is bipolar disorder characterised by?

During manic episodes, patients are extremely active and feel euphoric and elated. They make big plans and can spend a lot of money without worrying about the consequences, among other things. These episodes may be accompanied by excessive consumption of alcohol or other substances.

During depressive episodes, on the other hand, bipolar people feel the other extreme: very sad and lose all desire for activity. In some cases, depressive episodes are even accompanied by suicidal thoughts.

In some people, there are also mixed episodes in which the person has symptoms of both mania and depression.

It should also be noted that bipolar disorder varies in severity from person to person, which often complicates the diagnosis.

Bipolar disorder symptoms: how do you know if you are bipolar?

Firstly, a manic episode can be recognized by the continuous presence, for at least one week, of several of the following signs and symptoms, including:

  • Hyperactivity
  • Accelerated rate of speech
  • Decreased sense of fatigue
  • Feeling of intense happiness
  • Inordinate self-esteem
  • Lack of judgment
  • Increased social activity and interaction
  • Impulsive behaviours

Conversely, depressive episodes are characterised by the continuous presence, for at least two weeks, of several of the following signs and symptoms

  • Fatigue
  • Intense sadness
  • Lack of energy
  • Loss of interest in activities that normally give pleasure
  • Sense of failure
  • Decreased self-esteem
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Suicidal thoughts

Mental health is as important as physical health!

Our mental health and wellbeing professionals are here to listen to you and offer you personalised and comprehensive care so that you can regain your balance.


What causes bipolar disorder?

The cause of bipolar disorder is not always easy to determine. It is often a combination of several factors that lead to the onset of symptoms.

It seems that people with bipolar disorder suffer from biological disturbances in the functioning and communication of brain cells, as well as possible genetic differences.

In susceptible individuals, bipolar disorder can also be triggered by such things as:

  • Stress
  • High levels of fatigue
  • Alcohol or drug use
  • The onset of an illness (e.g. hyperthyroidism)
  • Taking certain medications

However, a bipolar disorder can also develop without any favourable or triggering element.

Bipolar disorder: tests and diagnosis

The diagnosis of bipolar disorder is most essentially a clinical one. It is made during a psychiatric examination, where symptoms and signs are observed. In order for the doctor to be able to make the correct diagnosis, it is essential that the patient recounts all the symptoms they experience, from the most insignificant to the most important.

There is also a self-assessment test based on the Goldberg system for measuring depression and mania. This screening questionnaire is designed to measure the severity of bipolar thoughts and behaviour.

Once diagnosed, bipolar disorder is generally classified into one of two categories:

  • Bipolar 1 disorder is characterised by the occurrence of one or more episodes of mania.
  • Bipolar 2 disorder is characterised by the occurrence of one or more episodes of major depression and one or more episodes of hypomania.

Throughout the process, our psychiatrist will keep you well-informed with a focus on your overall wellbeing. Feel at ease with our mental health professionals that work in our warm, international environment.

The treatment of bipolar disorder at Turó Park Medical Clinic

The first phase of treatment at the Turó Park Medical Clinic's Psychiatry Department is focused on a comprehensive medical and psychological assessment to determine the diagnosis and type of bipolar disorder presented by the patient, as well as the search for any associated pathologies.

Once the diagnosis has been established, the treatment of bipolar disorders is based on three axes:

Our mental health specialists

Dr. Elvira Herrería

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See profile

Dr. Ferran Molins

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See profile

Our answers to the most frequently asked questions about bipolar disorders

How does a person with bipolar disorder feel?

People who have bipolar disorder experience an emotions like a yo-yo: they may experience the events of their daily lives with deep sadness or with extreme happiness.

How do you know if you are becoming bipolar?

The most important thing to seek is diagnosis from a professional, such as a psychiatrist. A person with bipolar disorder experiences their emotions with excessive intensity, alternating between phases of excitement and depression. If this is the case for you, it is best to consult a doctor so that a diagnosis can be made.

What is the difference between bipolar and manic depression?

Bipolar disorder was formerly called manic depression. They are the same condition.

Is it dangerous to live with a bipolar person?

Bipolar people are not dangerous to those around them. However, living with a person with bipolar is not easy, and the person will need a lot of support, attention and without judgement.

Can you become bipolar overnight?

Bipolar disorder is a real and long-term condition. A person can experience different emotions in the course of a day without becoming bipolar.

What happens to a bipolar person without treatment?

Without treatment, the illness can worsen by "imprinting" inadequate functioning circuits on the brain, whereas the brain can "repair" itself with treatment. Professional support is essential for treatment.

How to calm a bipolar person in crisis?

Listen to their suffering and help them to analyse the situation more objectively. Try to stay with them for as long as possible throughout the episode and, above all, be alert to any suicidal thoughts so that you can intervene and get help if necessary.