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Rapid Antigenic Test in Barcelona - Turó Park Clinics

Do you need to take a Rapid Antigen Test for yourself, your company or your family in Barcelona?

At Turó Park Dental & Medical Center, you can book an appointment and pay for your test online: your test will be carried out at our clinic, but you can also choose to do it at your office or home for the team or your family. This test will be carried out by a specialist doctor who will also offer you a specific and detailed interpretation of the results.

These tests are accepted by a certain number of countries and airlines but not all of them. If you’re taking a test specifically because you are about to travel, you should first see if your destination has a list of tests that it will accept.

Results in 2h max

At our clinic, at your home or at your office

Performed by a doctor

We help you get reimbursed by your mutual insurance company!

Invoice and Treatment form abroad are also available online.

Price for 1 person At home or at your office 245 €

Online payment. The price includes the test, the doctor's visit to your home or office and the interpretation of the results by a professional.

Price for 2 people At home or at your office 290 €

Online payment. The price includes the test, the doctor's visit to your home or office and the interpretation of the results by a professional.

Price for 3 people At home or at your office 335 €

For a third person or more, the price is 45 € per person. Payment online. The price includes the test, the doctor's visit to your home or office and the interpretation of the results by a professional.

Price per person At the clinic/lab 35 €

Payment online or at the clinic

Where to get tested with Turó Park Medical Center?

Test center location
Opening hours
Eixample Monday to Friday : 8h to 18h
Saturday : 8h to 12h
Rocafort L1
Sagrada Familia Monday to Friday : 8h to 11h Joanic L4
Gràcia Monday to Friday : 9h to 8h
Saturday : 9h to 11h
Fontana L3
Ganduxer Monday to Friday : 9h to 17h
Saturday and Sunday : 9h to 12h
La Bonanova L6

Covid-19 rapid test in Barcelona: the most frequently asked questions

It's a type of rapid coronavirus test that qualitatively detects the existence of antigens in the body within 15 minutes. Thus, it allows the existence of the proteins of the Covid-19 pathogen to be identified at the time the test is carried out by offering a response of the following type: Negative / Positive.
Like the PCR tests, which we also offer, the rapid test for coronavirus antigens is carried out using a nasopharyngeal swab. Our doctor carefully inserts the brush into the nostrils up to the optimal point to obtain a correct result, and then proceeds to determine the result of two mixtures.
The advantage of this type of coronavirus test is not only its speed but also its sensitivity. The sensitivity in the first days of infection, between days 0 - 5 is 97% and between days 5 - 7 is 94%. This is a higher specificity than other Covid-19 tests, such as the Antibodies test.
The test, as the name suggests, is quick; 15 to 20 minutes to obtain the result. It is the fastest Covid-19 test on the market. Once our doctor has finished taking the nasal sample and the result has been obtained, he will proceed to explain the result. Our doctor is a specialist in this type of test and is fully familiar with the procedure and the different types of response that can be obtained. This is a complex test that cannot be carried out by just anyone, as there have been cases of erroneous or contradictory results when it has been misused. The test is most sensitive in the first few days of infection, which again underlines the importance of correct use. This is why our specialist at Turó Park Dental & Medical Center will accompany you and interpret the results in a detailed and concise manner. If the test is positive, the doctor will also offer you personalised care.
You think you have symptoms (loss of smell, loss of taste, fever, cough...). You were in a place or with a person at risk. You go to a hospital or institution at risk. Soon, you will be using a means of transport for which a test is required. You simply want to be tested on your own initiative.