Are you looking for a specialist in childhood illnesses?

Is your child ill again? No wonder when you consider that the youngest children are regularly affected by childhood illnesses. Although many of them are benign, proper management of these ailments avoids the risk of contagion and slows down complications.

The pediatricians working in our medical clinic in Barcelona listen to all parents. Their goal is to establish an accurate diagnosis and reveal a treatment according to your child's needs.

If you are looking for a specialist to treat your child, do not hesitate to make an appointment now with one of our English-speaking paediatricians.

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maladies infantiles

Why do children often get sick?

When a baby is born, its immune system is immature but it is still protected by the antibodies it inherited in utero. This is called maternal immunity. Later on, the child will have to make its own antibodies and to do this it will have to deal with many viruses.

During childhood, viruses circulate and are easily caught because children often spend a lot of time in the community (nurseries, pre-schools, etc.), they put objects in their mouths and drool or leave small droplets of saliva behind.

It is therefore normal for children to get sick a lot because it is part of the normal process of immunological maturity: the more your child grows, the stronger his immune system becomes.

What are the most common childhood diseases?

These disorders are numerous, revealing viral and bacteriological origins.

We take care of your children.

Our English-speaking pediatricians adapt sensitively to the cultural preferences of parents and children in order to offer them personalised and humane care.


What preventive measures exist to avoid childhood illnesses?

Prevention is better than cure. This famous saying is also part of the philosophy of our care center. Our pediatricians do more than just treat your child. They do not hesitate to share valuable tips with you on how to stop the onset of childhood illnesses.

They particularly appreciate the emphasis on a series of simple gestures:

  • Regularly wash toys and the play area
  • Wash your hands regularly
  • Ventilate the living rooms of the home
  • Avoid strong temperature variations
  • Regularly observe nasal washings with physiological saline


Routine immunization programmes protect most of the world's children from a number of infectious diseases that previously caused millions of deaths each year. Please contact us for more info on mandatory vaccines in Spain.

Our English-speaking pediatricians

Dr. Ignacio Guimerá

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Dr. Maria Mercedes Gámez

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Dr. Romina Carugati

Pediatric & Pediatric Cardiologist
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Our answers to the most frequently asked questions about childhood diseases

Are some children more fragile than others?

When faced with a virus, all children develop an infection but not necessarily an illness. Some make their own antibodies and defend themselves without apparent symptoms. Others will have a fever and associated symptoms. There is no explanation for this phenomenon, it is certainly a matter of genetic predisposition that conditions a child's response to an infection.

When is it necessary to take antibiotics?

Antibiotics are only effective against diseases of bacterial origin such as bacterial angina, cystitis, bacterial meningitis or bacterial pneumonia. Antibiotics are not effective against viral diseases such as nasopharyngitis in children and adults, influenza, acute bronchitis, or most types of angina.

What is bronchiolitis?

Bronchiolitis is an acute respiratory viral infection affecting the bronchioles (small airways). It is most often caused by Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). The virus causes inflammation of the walls of the bronchioles (the smallest airways) and an increase in secretions, leading to obstruction. Bronchiolitis affects infants (children under 2 years of age) and is characterised by an episode of respiratory discomfort, the signs of which are a cough and rapid, wheezing breathing. Bronchiolitis lasts on average ten days.

How to take the temperature properly?

Body temperature can be measured through the rectum, mouth or ear, under the armpit, on the temple and possibly the forehead. Rectal measurement gives the most reliable temperature. There are several types of thermometers, including electronic and infrared thermometers. Whatever the method, the temperature is taken away from any physical effort, on a person who is normally covered and outside any very hot atmosphere.