Are you looking for a gynecologist to help you choose the most appropriate contraceptive method?
Today’s women have more options than ever when it comes to family planning and birth control.
The English-speaking gynecologists at Turó Park Clinics will present you with several options and help you select the right method for you.
If you are sexually active or are planning on becoming sexually active, an annual exam from your OB-GYN can help catch or prevent certain gynecological problems associated with intercourse, and the doctor can answer any questions you have about sex, birth control, and other women’s health issues.
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How to pick the birth control method that's right for you?
If you're considering using birth control (contraception), you have a variety of options. To help pick the right method of birth control for you and your partner, you can make an appointment with one of our English-speaking gynecologists.
Many elements need to be considered by women, men, or couples at any given point in their lifetimes when choosing the most appropriate contraceptive method. These elements include safety, effectiveness, availability (including accessibility and affordability), and acceptability. Voluntary informed choice of contraceptive methods is an essential guiding principle, and contraceptive counseling, when applicable, might be an important contributor to the successful use of contraceptive methods.
Reversible methods of birth control
Birth control pills
Different types of birth control pills are available.
- Combined oral contraceptives
Most people in Europe who are on the pill take what’s called the combination pill. Estrogen and progesterone stop your ovaries from releasing eggs, and they make changes in your cervix and uterus that lower your chance of a pregnancy.
- Progestin only pill
The minipill uses only progesterone. It works mostly by causing changes that keep sperm from reaching eggs.
Birth control patch
The birth control patch is a thin, square patch that sticks to the skin. The transdermal patch prevents pregnancy by releasing hormones (estrogen and progestin – the same hormones used in birth control pills) that prevent a woman’s ovaries from releasing eggs (ovulation).
Birth control shot
Women get shots of the hormone progestin in the buttocks or arm every three months from their doctor.
Vaginal ring
The ring releases the hormones progestin and estrogen. You place the ring inside your vagina. You wear the ring for three weeks, take it out for the week you have your period, and then put in a new ring.
Hormone implants
A birth control implant is a thin plastic implant (approximately the size of a matchstick) that is inserted under the skin of the upper arm by a medical professional. The implant contains etonogestrel (a type of progesterone), which prevents a woman’s ovaries from releasing eggs (also known as ovulating) while the implant is in place.
Male condom
Worn by the man, a male condom keeps sperm from getting into a woman’s body. Latex condoms, the most common type, help prevent pregnancy, and HIV and other STDs, as do the newer synthetic condoms.
With typical use, the male condom is about 80% effective. If used perfectly every time, it prevents pregnancy 98% of the time.
Female condom
A female condom is a thin, flexible, plastic tube that you would partially insert into your vagina, creating a barrier. Female condoms may also help against STDs. Female condoms are about 80% effective.
Diaphragm or cervical cap
The diaphragm is shaped like a shallow cup. The cervical cap is a thimble-shaped cup. Before sexual intercourse, you insert them with spermicide to block or kill sperm.
The sponge is another non-prescription option. It's a small piece of foam, treated with spermicide, that you place high up in your vagina. It's between 68% and 84% effective.
These products work by killing sperm and come in several forms—foam, gel, cream, film, suppository, or tablet. They are placed in the vagina no more than one hour before intercourse. You leave them in place at least six to eight hours after intercourse. You can use a spermicide in addition to a male condom, diaphragm, or cervical cap.
Understanding your monthly fertility patternexternal iconexternal icon can help you plan to get pregnant or avoid getting pregnant. Your fertility pattern is the number of days in the month when you are fertile (able to get pregnant), days when you are infertile, and days when fertility is unlikely, but possible.
If you have a regular menstrual cycle, you have about nine or more fertile days each month. If you do not want to get pregnant, don't have sex on the days you are fertile, or you use a barrier method of birth control on those days.
If you have sex without using contraception, if the contraceptive method fails (for example, if the condom breaks during sex) or if you experience sexual violence, you can use emergency contraception (EC) to prevent pregnancy. It should only be used in emergencies, and not as a regular method of contraception.
EC can prevent some pregnancies, but not all. It is more effective when taken immediately after unprotected sex.
What are the methods of permanent contraception?
There are permanent options for birth control if you are certain you do not want to conceive in the future. Each of these are 99%-100% effective.
- Female sterilization: A woman can have her fallopian tubes tied (or closed) so that sperm and eggs cannot meet for fertilization. The procedure can be done in a hospital or in an outpatient surgical center. You can go home the same day of the surgery and resume your normal activities within a few days. This method is effective immediately.
- Male sterilization: This operation is done to keep a man’s sperm from going to his penis, so his ejaculate never has any sperm in it that can fertilize an egg. The procedure is typically done at an outpatient surgical center. The man can go home the same day. Recovery time is less than one week.
What to expect from your first birth control appointment?
Turó Park Medical Center is open to female and male patients of all ages. The clinic provides confidential gynecology services for patients, including reproductive education, testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections, female reproductive health exams, and birth control methods.
After taking your vitals, the clinician will ask about your period, sexual activity, and past pregnancies, as well as your medical, surgical, and family histories. You don't need to have a pelvic exam before getting a birth control prescription unless you decide to get an intrauterine device (IUD) inserted in your uterus.
During this first appointment, you can ask her/him any questions you have about birth control, and the two of you can talk about what type of birth control would work best for you. It’s important to be honest with your health care provider so she can get an accurate picture of your health and needs.
We care for Women.
Our specialists offer obstetrics and gynecologic care for women through all phases of life, from your pre-teen years to post-menopausal years.

Our English-speaking gynaecologists