seguros médicos en España

Guide to health insurance system in Spain

Spain has both public and private healthcare systems. All workers in Spain (no matter if they are Spaniards, foreign employees, self-employed foreigners) usually have to contribute to Spanish National Health System (SNS – Seguridad Social), This system gives them and their families access to the free basic healthcare.

All residents in Spain have access to the free public health system, but private insurance is advisable if you’d like more extensive coverage, quicker medical treatment, freely chose a specialist, home visits or have a personalized annual general health check-up.

Private healthcare in Spain: types of insurance policies

1. Basic insurance – Limited choice in doctors, medical centers, and hospitals.

  • Choose from a list of doctors provided by your insurer
  • Covers basic services (visit with doctor, health check-ups, medical analysis)
  • Hospitalization costs usually not covered
  • Good basic insurance to avoid long waiting lists to be seen by a specialist compared to public service.

1.2. Basic co-pago Insurance

There is a subgroup called “co-pago” where your monthly fee is lower but you pay a small extra amount previously agreed with your insurance, for certain specialists and services when you need them. Reduces fixed cost, good option if you don’t need to visit a doctor very frequently.

Reimbursement – Free to choose any doctor, center or hospital

  • Up to 100% of the cost reimbursed.
  • You must pay your doctor’s visit and claim your reimbursement at posteriori. This usually takes between 5 and 15 days and you can claim between 80-100% back.
  • The quota is approximately 20-30€/ month more expensive than a basic private insurance policy.
  • We work with private reimbursement policies of major insurance companies such as Axa Optima Plus, Asisa Integral, Allianz Salud Reemboolso, Signa Global, DKV Mundisalud, Sanitas Mas, Mapfre Salud Reembolso, Bupa Company Gold, Geoblue.
  • If you have additional dental insurance added to your reimbursement policy, you can have between 30-100% reimbursed depending on your insurance company and dental procedure. These conditions vary between insurance providers.

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