The vasectomy
A vasectomy is a surgical procedure used as a method of male sterilisation or contraception. It involves cutting the ducts through which sperm pass after leaving the testicles to prevent them from passing outwards. That being said, it does not prevent ejaculation. There are two methods of vasectomy: The "classic" vasectomy and the "no scalpel" vasectomy. Both methods are equally effective, but the latter has the advantage of reducing the risk of post-operative haematoma.
It is one of the most reliable methods of contraception available and has no side effects for the man. Unfortunately, unlike the preservative, it does not provide any protection against sexually transmitted infections.
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Who should have one?
Vasectomy is for men who want permanent, non-reversible contraception. Indeed, although it is theoretically reversible, the operation to reconstruct the ducts exists under the name of vasovasostomy, but it only leads to pregnancy in 40 to 50% of cases.
Most of the time, this method is used by couples who have satisfied their desire for parenthood and wish to free the woman from the constraints of contraception.

How effective is it?
It is one of the most reliable methods of sterilisation (99%) but its effectiveness is not immediate. After the operation, many sperm are still present in the vas deferens. You will need to use another method of contraception until a semen test shows that there are no sperm in the ejaculated fluid.

Are there any risks?
A potential concern with vasectomy is that you might later change your mind about wanting to father a child. Although it might be possible to reverse your vasectomy, there's no guarantee it will work. Reversal surgery is more complicated than vasectomy, can be expensive and is ineffective in some cases.

Any side-effects or complications?
The procedures are safe. You may have some mild pain afterward, along with some swelling in your scrotum and possibly a little bleeding. But these don't happen often and aren't typically serious if they do.
Complications aren’t common, but if they happen, they can include bruising, inflammation, and infection. These are almost never serious, but tell your doctor if you have symptoms!
Our specialists
Our vasectomies are safe and effective surgeries.

Dr. José Carpio
Languages: EN, ES, CAT

Dr. José Batista
Languages: EN, ES, CAT