Find solutions to your regular or chronic headaches with English-speaking general specialists in Barcelona

Headaches are one of the most common disorders of the nervous system. It is estimated that between half and three quarters of adults aged between 18 and 65 worldwide have experienced this symptom in the past year.

Headaches vary in severity and duration and can be accompanied by other symptoms, often making them particularly disabling in everyday life.

If you suffer from headaches on a regular basis, do not hesitate to make an appointment with one of our English-speaking doctors to find a solution adapted to your needs.

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What is a headache?

A headache is a localized pain in the cranial region.

There are different types of headaches depending on the exact location of the pain, its duration and other accompanying signs (nausea, vision problems, etc).

What are the different types of headaches?

Headaches: what treatment is needed?

To be able to provide appropriate treatment, it is very important to understand the triggering factors, the type of pain (its location, intensity, duration and frequency) and the presence of other associated disorders.

Therefore, the patient interview prior to diagnosis must be very precise. The examination will be comprehensive and in particular look for signs related to neurological and ENT problems.

Certain complementary examinations may also be useful, in particular:

  • Fundus of the eye
  • Electroencephalogram
  • Blood cell count
  • Sedimentation rate
  • Sometimes CT scan (or even MRI) or lumbar puncture (to rule out meningitis or meningeal haemorrhage, vital emergencies to be treated as quickly as possible).


What are the treatments for headaches?

The best treatment of headaches is to treat the cause, where possible.

There are also several treatments to relieve the pain, including:

  • Taking painkillers (paracetamol in particular) or triptans in the case of migraine.
  • Rest in a quiet, dark room.
  • Massaging the back of the neck and the temples.
  • Peppermint or lavender inhalations.
  • Ginger tea.

Alternative medicine and natural alternatives have also found a place in the treatment of headaches in recent years. Osteopathy can be very helpful when the headache is related to cervical displacement or contractures.

How to avoid headaches?

Headaches can be encouraged by certain factors (lack of sleep, overwork, food, coffee, noise, screens, smells, etc). You should focus on these factors and try to avoid the behaviours or situations that trigger your headaches.

In general, we advise you to:

  • Reduce the time spent in front of screens (computer, telephone, television, etc.)
  • Get regular physical activity
  • Try to reduce sources of stress
  • Get enough sleep
  • Avoid foods that cause headaches: chocolate, alcohol, cheese, acidic fruit, ice cream, etc

Your health is our priority.

Our English-speaking general practitioners welcome you for the diagnosis and treatment of all your health problems.

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Our English-speaking doctors

Dr. Luca Bollo

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Dr. Anna Pedro

General Practitioner
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Dr. Irene Clavijo

General Practitioner
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Dr. Marie Borgne-Renié

General Practitioner
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Dr. Laura Szlendak

General Practitioner
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Dr. Claudia Ceccotti

General Practitioner
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Dr. Rafael Acerete

General Practitioner
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Dr. Carlos Guerrero

General Practitioner
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Dr. Pablo Rossi

General Practitioner
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Our answers to the most frequently asked questions about headaches

What is the difference between headache and migraine?

The main difference between a classic headache and a migraine is that a migraine is a throbbing or pounding pain on one side of the head and occurs in more or less regular attacks.

How to recognise a tension headache?

Tension headaches are described as a feeling of tightness around the head. They start at the front of the head or in the area around the eyes and then spread throughout the head.

How do you know if a headache is dangerous?

If your headache is accompanied by vomiting, pain in the arm or memory loss, if it occurs after an accident or during your third trimester of pregnancy, make an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible.

What is the best medicine for headaches?

Paracetamol is the most commonly used medication for headaches because it is the best tolerated, including in children and pregnant women.