Nutrition Services
Stress, digestive problems, circulatory, fatigue, overweight, sleep disturbance, moods … The nutritional deficiencies or excesses are reflected in the skin, body and face. Nutrition, together with plastic surgery and cosmetics, an necessary aspect to achieve harmony and beauty.
Concepts such as dermo-nutrition (care of the skin through food) or nutrition (basic substances and with specific properties that we obtain from food) are absolutely current and relevant when it comes to maintaining and / or restoring beauty as an expression of health.
In our practice, nutrition is a preventive as well as a regenerative tool and its objective must be to keep the balance of the diet stable and not necessarily that of each dish. The right exercise, the most advanced aesthetic treatments and Phytotherapy (use of medicinal plants and herbs according to traditional Chinese medicine) will be useful to deal with imbalances of the organism and lack of harmony.
In ancient China the doctor was paid to maintain health, not to cure diseases. The visits to the patients were regular and the doctor advised with advice and diets adapted according to the seasons, the work they did and the living conditions of each one.
With a scientific philosophy and help of oriental wisdom we propose individualized plans adapted to the situation of each patient. Our “naturalistic” vision of medicine is global and integrative; It does not focus only on illnesses but on the person as an element capable of contributing to their own well-being.
Taking into account their environment and habits in what we consider the pillars of the “quality of life” (food, exercise and sleep) we will monitor the patient with a scientific guarantee of healthy values. Our goal is not only to restore health, but to achieve a greater degree of well-being and vitality and the lasting establishment of healthy habits.
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